Thanks to all our wonderful users, we’ve reached the 65 million* user mark in just about a year and 3 months since the LINE app was released! This happened on Sunday, 30 September and needless to say, we are absolutely delighted!

Currently, LINE is used in over 230 countries all throughout the world, and is available on a range of different devices including iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, and BlackBerry. 

Of course, we always try our very best to make all the LINE features available for the different devices, but there have been cases where this has not been possible and we are sorry about this.

The other day, we released an update for iOS (iPhones) version 3.1.2, equipped with many more features which were, up until then, only available on the Android version. 
Let us take you through these additional features!

★Home & Timeline

You can now post stickers!
In addition to usual messages, videos, photos and location information, you can now post your favorite stickers too!

Reply directly to comments!
You can now reply directly to specific comments/friends with this new reply feature. After posting your reply, a notification will be sent to that friend! No more missed comments with this feature!

★Managing Friends

Add friends to “Favorites”
If you have certain friends you contact frequently, you can Favorite them and they will appear at the very top of your Friends list!

Edit your friend’s name
Make your friends easier to recognize by changing the name they appear under, on your  Friends list. 

New option to hide friends
Hide friends you don’t contact that often from your Friends list without blocking them.

Introduce Friends
You can now send your friend’s LINE details to your other LINE friends.

★Chat while on a call & stronger security features

Call and message simultaneously
You can now message your friends while on a LINE voice call. Simply close the voice-calling screen and use LINE as usual!

Strengthened security for Email Registration
You are now required to enter your previous password when changing the password for Email Registration.

Clearer Terms
When registering to LINE, we’ve added a couple of sentences explaining how your profile photo and display name can be viewed by others. 

And that’s all for now! 

Of course, we will continue to work on providing all our users across the world with many more great features so keep your chats fun and friendly with LINE! 

Happy Chatting!

Additional Info: 
*Total registered user numbers are for iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry and feature phones combined



El evento “San vaLINEtín” es patrocinado por LINE
Corporation (de aquí en adelante “La Compañía”), una empresa japonesa cuya base
principal del negocio está en Shibuya Hikarie 27th FL., 2-21-1 Shibuya,
Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo, 150,8510, Japón y en el cual rigen estas reglas oficiales.
Por participar en este evento, cada participante acepta estas reglas,
incluyendo todos los requerimientos de elegibilidad, y entiende que los
resultados de este evento son definitivos en todo sentido. Este evento está
sujeto a todas las reglas y regulaciones locales y no tiene validez en donde
esté prohibido por la ley.

Read more



El evento “San vaLINEtín” es patrocinado por LINE
Corporation (de aquí en adelante “La Compañía”), una empresa japonesa cuya base
principal del negocio está en Shibuya Hikarie 27th FL., 2-21-1 Shibuya,
Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo, 150,8510, Japón y en el cual rigen estas reglas oficiales.
Por participar en este evento, cada participante acepta estas reglas,
incluyendo todos los requerimientos de elegibilidad, y entiende que los
resultados de este evento son definitivos en todo sentido. Este evento está
sujeto a todas las reglas y regulaciones locales y no tiene validez en donde
esté prohibido por la ley.

Read more

A big HELLO to all our BlackBerry fans!

We have some great news!
LINE is now available for BlackBerry! Oh Yes!

You can download it from this URL:

The BlackBerry version of LINE has been specially adapted to suit our chat messaging feature! Even with the wide BlackBerry screen, you can chat smoothly and effortlessly in real-time with all your LINE friends! You can even use the stickers too!

We’re always looking to make LINE available on a wide range of handsets and devices. In addition to this BlackBerry version, LINE is already available on iPhone, Android, and Windows Phones. You can also use your LINE account from the PC version for extra convenience!

So keep in touch with all your loved ones, wherever they may be in the world with LINE! 
It’s YOUR communication app! 

Additional info about the BlackBerry version of LINE:
- Currently only the chat-messaging feature is available. Additional features such as voice calls and Home/Timeline are not available. (sorry friends)
- BlackBerry version does not support the sending of audio messages, videos, emoji, kaomoji, and location info within the chat feature. (sorry again)
- The original 4 sticker sets are available to be used! Other types of stickers can only be received as the Sticker Shop is not catered for the BlackBerry version. (please forgive us)

1. Uygunluk 
Bütün talepleriniz Giriş Formu vasıtasıyla LINE SHOPPING TÜRKİYE üzerinden olmalıdır. Facebook veya LINE Shopping Resmi anasayfasından yorumlar  aracılığıyla yapılan talepler dikkate alınmayacaktır. 
LINE SHOPPING TÜRKİYE  koşulların gerektirmesi durumunda herhangi  bir bildirim olmaksınızın, süreyi değiştirme hakkına sahiptir. Kampanya süresi dolduktan sonra yapılan girişler dikkate alınmayacaktır. 
1.1 LINE SHOPPING TÜRKİYE yarışma süresi boyunca belirlenmiş sürede katılımcıların unutmuş ya da ihmal etmiş olduğu giriş sürelerinden doğan gecikme ya da benzeri eksikliklerden sorumlu değildir. 
1.2 LINE SHOPPING TÜRKİYE nin kararı kesindir ve hiç bir itiraz ve şikayet kabul edilmeyecektir. 
1.3 LINE SHOPPING TÜRKİYE eksik, okunaksız ya da geç girdileri otomatik olarak men etme hakkına sahiptir. 
1.4 LINE SHOPPING TÜRKİYE herhangi bir kuruma ya da katılımcılara neden belirtmeksizin girişleri iptal etme ve reddetme konusunda mutlak yetkiye sahiptir. 

a) Girişi yapılan her bilgi aşağıda belirtilen gerekli detaylara göre  tamamlanmalıdır : 
b) LINE SHOPPING TÜRKİYE resmi hesabını arkadaş olarak ekleyiniz. 
c) LINE SHOPPING TÜRKİYE nin size göndermiş olduğu giriş formunu doldurunuz. Giriş formunu LINE SHOPPING TÜRKİYE resmi ana sayfasında da bulabilirsiniz. 
d) Bütün cevap verilmesi gereken soruları yanıtlayınız. 
e) Belirtilen aralıkta, ondalık işaretinden sonra 2 basamağı bulunan bir meblağ giriniz. (Örneğin: 20,90 TL – fazladan bir sembol, harf ya da boşluk olmaksızın) Belirtilen meblağı sadece LINE SHOPPING TÜRKİYE kontrol eder. 
f) Tamamlanmamış girişler bildirim olmaksızın otomatik olarak elenir. 
g) Her katılımcı sadece 1 giriş hakkına sahiptir. Giriş formuna yazılan miktarın sonradan değiştirilmesine izin verilmemektedir. 
h) Her teklifte yalnızca bir meblağ belirtilmelidir. LINE SHOPPING TÜRKİYE katılımcıların birden fazla meblağ belirttikleri girişleri iptal etme ve kabul etmeme hakkına sahiptir. 
i) Kazanan kişi, girilen en düşük eşsiz fiyata göre belirlenecek ve ürünü almaya hak kazanacaktır. (Örneğin: 10,00 TL’lik iki giriş ve 10,01 TL’lik bir giriş bulunuyorsa, 10,01 TL’lik girişi yapan kazanır. LINE SHOPPING TÜRKİYE verilen iletişim bilgilerini kullanarak kazananla iletişime geçer ve sonuçlar açıklandıktan sonra ürünü nasıl satın alabileceğini bildirir.) 
Sevgilerle! Eğlenceli alışverişler! 

“LINE Brush” is a fantastic drawing app which lets you express your creative side! Once you’ve finished, send your masterpieces to friends via LINE.

This is the 4th in our series of official LINE related apps and of course, it’s free! It is currently available on iPhone and iPad and we are readying the Android version.

LINE Brush is simple to use! Just take your finger and start drawing on your smartphone screen. You can draw on top on photos, as well as using oil and water colors to set the tone of your pictures.

For example, you can show off your beautiful handwriting to friends, sign your photos, add arrows and circles to draw attention to certain parts of the picture and just express yourself!

How to use LINE Brush:

1.After starting up the app, you will see a white canvas. 
You can start drawing on the white canvas like a true artist or take a photo/open a photo from the Camera Roll, by tapping Photo.
2.Next tap the Brush icon at the bottom and select your brush.
There are a whole variety of different pencils, pens, brushes, felt-tip pens, water-colors and jagged pattern effects to draw with. (over 27 to choose from)

3. Chosen your brush? Now it’s time to choose the color! Tap the color palette and choose the best one for you!  

4. Make fine adjustments to the color tone and size of the brush you are using.  

Photo Brush for Breath-Taking Effects! 

The Photo Brush feature allows you to process any of your photos into artistic drawings as shown below. Choose water-color effects and crayons to add another dimension to your favorite photos! 
b52c4d40.jpg  42cd5e9a.jpg  bf5fe6a1.jpg

Feeling like adding an extra sparkle to your LINE chats? Then create something on LINE Brush and impress all your LINE friends!

Let out the child in you! Go wild with LINE Brush! 

Don’t get too addicted! You have been warned!
We’ve just released “LINE Birzzle” – this is our third installment of official LINE related apps in addition to “LINE camera” and “LINE Card”.

 LINE Birzzle

Simple yet highly addictive, this popular action-puzzle game has been specially developed for LINE. All you have to do is get 3 or more of the same colored birds in a row!

How to play!
1. Select your mode.              
2. Tap & drag the birds to make the rows disappear  
3. Progress through the levels

If you enjoy the free version, why not get the paid version for more gaming modes!
■ Free Version - LINE Birzzle
・Game Modes
Crash Mode: A basic mode where you have to make a certain number of blocks disappear
Endless Mode: How good are you? This mode let’s you play until it’s game over
・Download from: AppStore and Google Play

 ■ Paid Version - LINE Birzzle Plus  
・Game Contents
Crash Mode: same as above
Endless Mode: same as above
Ghost Mode: Aim to set a high score within the time limit
Also includes 5000 coins: Use them within the LINE Birzzle game
Unlimited Feathers: Use this for the non-stop action in endless mode
・Download from: AppStore and Google Play

Compare high scores with friends! Have fun!!


El evento “Más Amigos LINE” es patrocinado por LINE Corporation (de aquí en adelante “La Compañía”), una empresa japonesa cuya base principal del negocio está en Shibuya Hikarie 27th FL., 2-21-1 Shibuya, Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo, 150,8510, Japón y en el cual rigen estas reglas oficiales. Por participar en este evento, cada participante acepta estas reglas, incluyendo todos los requerimientos de elegibilidad, y entiende que los resultados de este evento son definitivos en todo sentido. Este evento está sujeto a todas las reglas y regulaciones locales y no tiene validez en donde esté prohibido por la ley.

ELIGIBILIDAD: Los participantes deben tener conexión a Internet y a una cuenta de email para entrar en este evento. El evento está abierto a todos los usuarios de LINE. Todos los participantes deben ser mayores de 18 años para poder participar. No tendrá validez en donde esté restringido, impuesto o prohibido por la ley. La Compañía se reserva el derecho de verificar la elegibilidad de cada ganador.

PERIODO DEL EVENTO: Este evento estará abierto del 05 de Febrero de 2014 a las 3:00pm, hasta el 09 de Febrero de 2014 a las 11:59pm (sujeto a posibles cambios)

CÓMO PARTICIPAR: Los participantes deben responder a la encuesta respondiendo las siguientes preguntas (i) ¿cuántos amigos tiene en LINE?; (ii) confirmar su edad; (iii) escribir su dirección de correo electrónico (email) (iv) afirmar que permiten que LINE use su información personal para objetos del concurso.

INFORMACIÓN REQUERIDA: Los participantes deben completar en la encuesta su dirección de correo electrónico y su edad para poder participar.

ANUNCIO DEL GANADOR (A): El o la ganadora (“El Ganador”) será notificado el 10 de febrero de 2014 (sujeto a posibles cambios) vía correo electrónico a la dirección provista en la encuesta.

PROCESO DE SELECCIÓN Y PREMIO: El Ganador será la persona con más amigos en LINE. En caso de empate en el evento, el participante que envió primero su respuesta será declarado El Ganador. El ganador recibirá el equivalente a $10.000 pesos por cada amigo de LINE hasta un máximo de $1.000.000 pesos (“el monto”) para ser usado únicamente en una cena con las personas que el ganador elija en un restaurante (“el premio”). El restaurante lo podrá elegir el ganador de una lista de restaurantes que dará LINE a su discreción al ganador. LINE no se hace responsable por ninguna acción o actividad que ocurra en la noche de la cena. El Ganador será responsable y cubrirá cualquier cargo incurrido por encima de El Monto. Si El Ganador no utiliza El Monto completo en la cena, el restaurante se quedará con la diferencia.

VERIFICACIÓN: El ganador está sujeto a ser verificado que su edad es mayor a 18 años y debe dar prueba del número de amigos que mencionó en la encuesta.
1. Anuncio de El Ganador: El Ganador será contactado por correo electrónico a la dirección dada en la encuesta.
2. Como condición para recibir el premio, el ganador deberá firmar un formulario estándar de “renuncia a sus derechos de privacidad” sobre la información que ha entregado a la Compañía. Este formulario se enviará al ganador a la dirección de email que suministró en la encuesta. El premio solo se entregará cuando La Compañía reciba el formulario de “renuncia de derechos de privacidad” completo y firmado por el ganador, vía email o fax. La falta de este documento tal como lo exige La Compañía resultará en la descalificación del ganador. 
El ganador consiente que enviará una foto a La Compañía del Ganador en el restaurante y permite que esta foto sea luego compartida en la cuenta oficial de LINE.

SIN VALOR MONETARIO: El Premio no tiene valor monetario y no se puede cambiar por ningún instrumento monetario

LICENCIA: Cada participante tendrá los “derechos de autor” (copyright) de su foto y la descripción de la misma, pero explícitamente garantiza a La Compañía, sus licenciados, afiliados y autorizados (colectivos, la “autorización de las partes”) una irrevocable y no-exclusiva licencia por la duración del copyright de usar cada foto y descripción para los propósitos de este evento en cualquier medio, pero no limitado a blogs y websites, a la discreción de las partes autorizadas, sin una adicional consideración, notificación y permiso de los participantes o los terceros.


1. Personas menores de 18 años no pueden participar en este evento.
2. Las personas que no estén de acuerdo con los términos y condiciones relacionados a este evento por el motivo que sea, serán descalificados. No habrá compensaciones en esos casos.

1. Los mensajes que estén fuera de las leyes y regulaciones, afecten el orden público y moralidad, sean abusivos o violen los derechos de propiedad intelectual de un tercero están prohibidos.
2. La Compañía no responderá ninguna duda sobre el proceso de selección e información del ganador.
3. Los gastos por uso de Data incurridos por participar en este evento serán por parte del usuario.
4. El premio no es transferible y no se puede cambiar por dinero en efectivo.


1. Por favor, antes de entrar en el evento, lea nuestra Politica de Privacidad (
2. La Compañía usará la información recibida por los usuarios sólo para notificar a El Ganador

Attention Windows Phone users! 

Exciting News!
We’ve released the Windows Phone version of LINE! Woohoo!

You can download it from here.


It’s great to use this version. – LINE has been specially developed to suit the unique user interface of Windows Phones (Metro UI). 
The menus are simple, easy and intuitive: simply slide your finger across the screen and let the fun begin! 

It’s supported in English, Chinese (traditional/simplified), Japanese, and Korean. At the moment, only the chat-messaging feature is available but we are readying the voice calls feature.

With the release of this Windows Phone version, LINE is now available on iPhone, Android, and BlackBerry! You can also use your LINE account from the PC version for extra convenience! 

We’re not going to stop here though! We will continue to increase the compatibility of LINE with all sorts of handsets and devices so that you can always communicate with your friends and family, no matter which device they are using!

The second of LINE’s official apps is now available! 

“LINE camera” which is available free on iPhone and Android devices, allows you to design, decorate, edit and then share your photos via LINE and other SNS. 

It’s available to everyone in the world and supports English, Chinese (traditional/simplified), Japanese and Korean languages.

You can download it from here:

Yes ! Decorate your photos using LINE characters!! 
Over 600 stamps to choose from!

With 116 stamps featuring those popular LINE characters, and many other cute ones, such as hearts, speech balloons, glasses and wigs, there is no end to customizing your photos! After designing and decorating your photos, you can re-size and rotate them as you please.

Many different frames and selectable fonts/text to choose from – Over a 100 of each!

From simple black frames to all-out cuteness! If you have an eye for detail, you will never tire of the huge selection of frames that LINE camera offers. You can even select different styles of font to go with the theme of the photo, whether it’s elegant italic font or something a bit more adventurous, you’ll find it here.
So go ahead and experiment!

Change the ambience of the photo easily with the filters!

The “Beauty” filter makes the person’s face brighter, clearer and even more beautiful, while the “Vintage” filter gives the photo an old-school flavor. Or you can add a touch of glamour by using the “Party” filter! There are 14 of these special filters to choose from, so you can instantly change the look of the photo to match the situation. You can even fine-tune the brightness, contrast and saturation!

Share with LINE and other SNS!

After saving the edited photo, LINE camera will move you to the Sharing page where you can show everyone your wonderfully designed photos. Press the ‘Send to LINE’ button and LINE will automatically start up. Simply select the friend you want to send the photo to and share your creation with friends! You can also share with other SNS such as Twitter, Facebook, mixi, Weibo, Me2day, and Cyworld.

Fun, creativity and communication. LINE camera provides all these things and more! 
So what are you waiting for? Download the app and let the fun begin!


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The latest information about the FREE calling & FREE messaging app LINE.