Thanks to all our wonderful users, we’ve reached the 65 million* user mark in just about a year and 3 months since the LINE app was released! This happened on Sunday, 30 September and needless to say, we are absolutely delighted!

Currently, LINE is used in over 230 countries all throughout the world, and is available on a range of different devices including iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, and BlackBerry. 

Of course, we always try our very best to make all the LINE features available for the different devices, but there have been cases where this has not been possible and we are sorry about this.

The other day, we released an update for iOS (iPhones) version 3.1.2, equipped with many more features which were, up until then, only available on the Android version. 
Let us take you through these additional features!

★Home & Timeline

You can now post stickers!
In addition to usual messages, videos, photos and location information, you can now post your favorite stickers too!

Reply directly to comments!
You can now reply directly to specific comments/friends with this new reply feature. After posting your reply, a notification will be sent to that friend! No more missed comments with this feature!

★Managing Friends

Add friends to “Favorites”
If you have certain friends you contact frequently, you can Favorite them and they will appear at the very top of your Friends list!

Edit your friend’s name
Make your friends easier to recognize by changing the name they appear under, on your  Friends list. 

New option to hide friends
Hide friends you don’t contact that often from your Friends list without blocking them.

Introduce Friends
You can now send your friend’s LINE details to your other LINE friends.

★Chat while on a call & stronger security features

Call and message simultaneously
You can now message your friends while on a LINE voice call. Simply close the voice-calling screen and use LINE as usual!

Strengthened security for Email Registration
You are now required to enter your previous password when changing the password for Email Registration.

Clearer Terms
When registering to LINE, we’ve added a couple of sentences explaining how your profile photo and display name can be viewed by others. 

And that’s all for now! 

Of course, we will continue to work on providing all our users across the world with many more great features so keep your chats fun and friendly with LINE! 

Happy Chatting!

Additional Info: 
*Total registered user numbers are for iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry and feature phones combined