Archives/ November 2012

Sorry everyone! We have discovered that the function which allows you to add your Facebook friends to LINE has not been running correctly and have had to discontinue it. This function was released on versions 3.0.0 and higher for Android on 26 November and we stopped this function on 28 November at 3am (JST). 

We are currently discussing how to fix and improve the function with Facebook, as well as readying the function for the iOS version of LINE. 

Please rest assured that this only applies to the function to add your Facebook friends. So you can still register as a new user as well as carrying your account over with your Facebook account.

Also, any Facebook friends you may have added to LINE will remain on your friends list. 

Once we have any new information about this function, we will be posting it on here! 

Thanks for reading!


El evento “LINE Motivación al ejercicio” está patrocinado por LINE Corporation (de aquí en adelante, La Compañía), una empresa japonesa cuya base principal del negocio está en Shibuya Hikarie 27th FL., 2-21-1 Shibuya, Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo, 150,8510, Japón y en el cual rigen estas reglas oficiales. Por participar en este evento, cada participante acepta estas reglas, incluyendo todos los requerimientos de elegibilidad, y entiende que los resultados de este evento son definitivos en todo sentido. Este evento está sujeto a todas las reglas y regulaciones locales y no tiene validez en donde esté prohibido por la ley.
ELIGIBILIDAD: Los participantes deben tener conexión a Internet y a una cuenta de email para entrar en este evento. El evento está abierto a todos los usuarios de LINE. Todos los participantes deben ser mayores de 18 años para poder participar. No tendrá validez en donde esté restringido, impuesto o prohibido por la ley. La Compañía se reserva el derecho de verificar la elegibilidad de cada ganador.
PERIODO DEL EVENTO: Este evento estará abierto del 22 de Enero de 2014 a las 3:00pm, hasta el 01 de Febrero de 2014 a las 11:59pm
CÓMO APLICAR: Los participantes deben enviar un mensaje a la cuenta oficial de LINE Venezuela, mientras está encendida la función ON AIR, con una foto divertida y creativa de ellos mismos haciendo ejercicio.
INFORMACIÓN REQUERIDA: Los participantes deben proveer su LINE ID (identificación en LINE)
ANUNCIO DE FINALISTAS: Los finalistas serán anunciados el 29 de Enero de 2014 (fecha tentativa) a través de un mensaje de LINE al ID del usuario del cual se recibió la foto finalista y el usuario debe verificar que tiene más de 18 años y proveer una dirección de email
PROCESO DE SELECCIÓN Y PREMIO: 1 ganador recibirá gratis un teléfono Iphone 5S.

1. Proceso de selección: La compañía seleccionará 3 fotos finalistas que considere las más divertidas y creativas de todas las fotos recibidas. La Compañía debe subir en el “Timeline” de LINE Venezuela las 3 fotos; la foto que reciba más “me gusta” ganará el premio. El ganador está sujeto a que La Compañía verifique que su edad es más de 18 años.
2. Anuncio del ganador: el ganador será notificado por un mensaje de LINE a través de la aplicación LINE, al código de usuario (ID) que presentó, y se anunciará tentativamente el 03 de Febrero de 2014.
3. Como condición para recibir el premio, el ganador deberá firmar un formulario estándar de “renuncia a sus derechos de privacidad” sobre la información que ha entregado a la Compañía. Este formulario se enviará al ganador a la dirección de email que suministró en la verificación de finalistas. El premio solo se entregará cuando La Compañía reciba el formulario de “renuncia de derechos de privacidad” completo y firmado por el ganador, vía email o fax. La falta de este documento tal como lo exige La Compañía resultará en la descalificación del ganador. 
4. El ganador consiente que enviará una foto a La Compañía sosteniendo el premio recibido y que esta foto será luego compartida en la cuenta oficial de LINE Venezuela. 

RENUNCIA: Si la foto contiene algún material o elemento que no sea propio del participante y/o que sea objeto de derecho de un tercero, el participante es responsable de obtener la “renuncia a derechos de privacidad” y consentimientos necesarios para permitir la exhibición y uso de la foto, tal como se explica en estas Reglas Oficiales y sin compensación adicional. Cuando sea posible, los participantes deben obtener la renuncia de derechos de privacidad personal de todas las personas que aparezcan en la foto enviada, y autorización del uso de la foto a La Compañía para los propósitos de este evento. La falta de esta carta de renuncia y autorización puede resultar en la descalificación del ganador y la selección de un ganador alternativo.
LICENCIA: Cada participante tendrá los “derechos de autor” (copyright) de su foto y la descripción de la misma, pero explícitamente garantiza a La Compañía, sus licenciados, afiliados y autorizados (colectivos, la “autorización de las partes”) una irrevocable y no-exclusiva licencia por la duración del copyright de usar cada foto y descripción para los propósitos de este evento en cualquier medio, pero no limitado a blogs y websites, a la discreción de las partes autorizadas, sin una adicional consideración, notificación y permiso de los participantes o los terceros


1. Personas menores de 18 años no pueden participar en este evento.
2. Las personas que no estén de acuerdo con los términos y condiciones relacionados a este evento por el motivo que sea, serán descalificados. No habrá compensaciones en esos casos.

1. Los mensajes que estén fuera de las leyes y regulaciones, afecten el orden público y moralidad, sean abusivos o violen los derechos de propiedad intelectual de un tercero están prohibidos.
2. La Compañía no responderá ninguna duda sobre el proceso de selección e información del ganador.
3. Los gastos por uso de Data incurridos por participar en este evento serán por parte del usuario.
4. El premio no es transferible y no se puede cambiar por dinero en efectivo.


1. Por favor, antes de entrar en el evento, lea nuestra Política de Privacidad (
2. La Compañía usará la información recibida por los usuarios sólo para este evento y para los siguientes propósitos:
a. Notificación de los finalistas.
b. Notificación de los ganadores.

La función ON AIR (AL AIRE) permite a las cuentas oficiales salir “al aire”, como las estaciones de radio, por tiempo determinado, durante el cual pueden recibir y leer los mensajes enviados por sus amigos. Cuando la cuenta esta “ON AIR” se indica con un ícono rojo que dice “ON” al lado del nombre de la cuenta, por lo que debes pensar si quieres que los dueños de la cuenta te escuchen.


El evento “LINE Motivación al ejercicio” está patrocinado por LINE Corporation (de aquí en adelante, La Compañía), una empresa japonesa cuya base principal del negocio está en Shibuya Hikarie 27th FL., 2-21-1 Shibuya, Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo, 150,8510, Japón y en el cual rigen estas reglas oficiales. Por participar en este evento, cada participante acepta estas reglas, incluyendo todos los requerimientos de elegibilidad, y entiende que los resultados de este evento son definitivos en todo sentido. Este evento está sujeto a todas las reglas y regulaciones locales y no tiene validez en donde esté prohibido por la ley.

Read more

We have introduced an official account which translates your chat messages instantly within the chat-room from Spanish⇔ English! 

This official account will translate both English into Spanish and Spanish into English! By simply typing a message to the “ENG-ESP translator” it will instantly auto-translate your message for you and send this to you as a reply. 
Of course, that’s not all! If you speak English but want to speak to Spanish friends or vice versa, you can add this ENG-ESP translator to your chat-room and it will translate both you and your friend’s messages. You can use this function in group chats also. Simply add this ENG-ESP translator account into your usual chat-room and start chatting as you normally would. Our translation account will take care of the rest!


How to use the “ENG-ESP translator”
1. Start LINE and tap [More] > [Official Accounts], scroll down to [News/Tools] and add the [ENG-ESP translator] as a friend.
2. If you want to translate something, tap [ENG-ESP translator] on your Friends list and tap [Chat]. Once in the chat-room, you can type the message you want to get translated. 
3. If you want the [ENG-ESP translator] to translate chat-messages between you and your friends, please select [Add Friends] from the chat-room menu and add the [ENG-ESP translator] to your chat.  You can also invite the [ENG-ESP translator] to your groups in the usual way. 

And that’s it! 

At LINE we are dedicated to breaking down language barriers to allow communication to happen as it should! 
LINE can be used anywhere around the world and to cater to the rising number of users in the South American and Spanish speaking regions we have created this new translator account. 

Don’t let the language barrier stop you! 

¡Diviértete la! (Have fun!)

Popular game “HomeRun Battle” has been awarded a number of game awards for being quite simply, a great game! 
Now the simplified version is here on LINE – “LINE HomeRun Battle” and so let the fun begin!

How to Play:
Simple! Timing is the key. Hit the ball thrown by the pitcher by tapping the screen in time with the ball and get your home-runs! The more home-runs you get and the more you get in a row, the higher your score will be! 
Keep getting home-runs to enter BURST Mode! This is your chance to really maximize your score!
Use your strength, striking force and dynamic vision to keep getting those home-runs.

So who is going to be the Home-Run King?! Battle your LINE friends and find out now! 

babca8d8.pngDownload LINE HomeRun Battle Burst (free) here:

Another game to be released from the LINE gaming app this time includes “LINE cartoon wars” – a classic defense game which has been hugely popular, with the original Cartoon Wars game receiving over 100 million downloads worldwide! LINE users can also receive special stickers absolutely free when downloading this special LINE version of the game.

LINE cartoon wars sticker

The Black and White cartoon tribe: these stick-men have stood up for freedom from being ruled by the color tribes. “LINE cartoon wars” puts you in the center of the action and lets you become the hero! Protect your castle while attacking the enemies’! This is a great tower defense game which will definitely keep you occupied!  

How to Play: 
1. Gather soldiers with a range of skills and attack the enemies’ castle
2. Fire arrows from the top of your caste and prevent your enemies from advancing.
3. Tilt your smatphone to scroll though the screen. 
LINE cartoon wars

As you advance through the stages your enemies will get tougher to beat. Make sure your castle doesn’t get attacked by upgrading your allies and making them the strongest war machines! 

Never played a defense game? “LINE cartoon wars” is the perfect game for both beginners and experts alike! 

Give it a go! You only have a castle to lose! ;) 

 Download LINE cartoon wars (free) here:
 Google Play :

The 2nd gaming app released by LINE, “LINE PATAPOKO ANIMAL” is a new kind of target-practicing puzzle game. A unique and exhilarating story where you have to, “stop the animals from escaping their picture book world by throwing vegetables at them.” 
You can also treat yourself to some free stickers by downloading the app!


How to Play:
Touch the animals to throw vegetables at them! Tilt your smartphone, adjust the trajectory and fire your vegetables! You can get a chain of animals by firing into a pack of them. When the heat gets too much, you can use the lightning bolts to clear many of them at once!

2 modes of play, both as great as the other: You can go through the 72 magical levels filled with surprises or you can play the Challenge Mode where you can see who gets the highest scores amongst your LINE friends! 

Enjoy this fantasy world, full of weird and wonderful creatures! 

38a264e6.jpgDownload LINE PATAPOKO ANIMAL (free) here:

The first wave of new games released on the LINE gaming app features LINE POP!
How do you play? It’s easy! Simply line up 3 or more of the same icons (blocks) to make them disappear.
You have 1 minute to set your high scores.

Quick Hints and Tips:
- The more blocks you get rid of in one go, the higher your score will be. Try lining up 4 or 5 and let the fun begin.
- Get 5 or more combos to enter Fever Mode! This is when things start heating up! Keep deleting those blocks!
- Look out for the Hyper blocks! Fill your Combo Gauge up to full to these specials. You can delete many blocks at once. Yippee!

 The fun doesn’t stop there either! The blocks in LINE POP feature all our favorite LINE characters such as Brown, Moon, and Cony who will come up on your screen briefly to say hello once you get those combos! The usual funny faces and other expressions are all included! 
Also, Brown is really excited about this game and will be there to support you every step of the way. 
Link this game up with your LINE account and you can compete for high scores, as well as giving and receiving hearts and other gifts from friends to help you get even higher scores! Once you run out of hearts, it’s probably better to ask your most generous friend to top you up!

It may be a cute game but the battle for the highest scores will get serious! Play with all your friends and have fun. 
At the end of the day, it’s only a game! Right? ;)

LINE’s official gaming app has released 4 new titles to bring your gaming world to life!
After the first release of “LINE Birzzle” earlier this year in July, we have focused on making it even more fun for you to enjoy the games with your LINE friends.

Get some free stickers too! All LINE users who download these new games can get free stickers to use in their LINE chats! Aren’t we generous?! 
And the games are great too! There’s something for everyone - puzzle games featuring the awesome LINE characters, as well as hardcore card-battle RPGs. Try them all and find the best one for you! (Maybe all of them)

LINE POPSimple is the best! Line up 3 or more of the same blocks while watching Brown, Moon and Cony who are featured within this addictive game. For more details on how to play, click here
iphone_btn  android_btn

Availability: Worldwide

▼Get these awesome free stickers when you download LINE POP! (total 8 stickers)
*Available from 12pm (JST) on 19 Nov 
(iOS Users HURRY – only available until 4pm (JST) on 22 Nov 30 Nov)

■LINE cartoon wars 
LINE Cartoon WarsSuper popular action game “Cartoon Wars” comes to LINE! It’s been downloaded over 10 million times worldwide and is guaranteed to give you a lot of fun! Control the stick-men (soldiers) and protect your castle while conquering the opponent’s in this classic Tower Defense Game!  

 Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Vietnam, Macau

▼Free stickers for downloading LINE cartoon wars! (total 24 stickers)
*Available from 12pm (JST) on 19 Nov 
(iOS Users HURRY – only available until 4pm (JST) on 22 Nov 30 Nov)

LINE PATAPOKO ANIMALYou gotta play to believe! In “LINE PATAPOKO ANIMAL” you have to hit animals with vegetables to stop them from escaping their world of picture-books. What? That’s right! There are 2 modes of play. You can go through 72 highly entertaining stages of the game or you can enjoy with friends by competing for the highest scores in Challenge Mode.  

Availability: Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Vietnam, Macau

▼Download and get these PATAPOKO stickers! (total 24 stickers) 
 *Available from 12pm (JST) on 19 Nov 
(iOS Users HURRY – only available until 4pm (JST) on 22 Nov 30 Nov)

■LINE Homerun Battle Burst 
LINE Homerun Battle BurstWow! Ever wanted to hit homeruns? Well now you can with “LINE Homerun Battle Burst! Have a blast and relieve some tension by hitting those homeruns! It’s amazing! Anyone can play this wonderful game. 
Availability: Japan, Taiwan, Thailand

These fantastic gaming apps from LINE give you the opportunity to have so much more fun with your games! Simply link these gaming apps to your LINE account and send your LINE friends items, compete for the highest score rankings, and of course, you can send messages to friends to let them know you have beaten their highest scores! How is that for ultimate satisfaction?! 

We hope you have an amazing time playing these games with your LINE friends! 


LINE User Numbers Reach 75 Million Worldwide! 
No.1 at many App Stores thanks to Huge Growth in Spain and South America

Our user numbers have reached the 75 million* mark as of today (16 November).
*totals for iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry and feature-phone users combined.


Also, in these last few weeks we have had a huge surge in user numbers from both Spain and South American regions, leading to LINE claiming the number 1 spot in both the Free Apps and Social Networking categories at App Stores in many countries.

(As of 14 November 2012)       

LINE has received much positive attention from both Spanish media and famous bloggers. Whether it’s the free messaging, the free calls, the convenience of the PC version, or the stickers, LINE continues to be highly rated as a stable, all-in-one app with easy to use features. LINE camera and other LINE related apps have also been praised for being super-fun.

▼Spanish Media & Blogs featuring LINE

Breaking through all the language and cultural barriers!

LINE is currently used in over 230 countries. This made-in-Japan service is popular in other areas too: in South-East Asian regions such as Taiwan, and Thailand, Middle-Eastern regions, Russia, and of course Spain and South America. 

So what next? We will continue to learn and improve our services so that you can have more fun with LINE! Whether you’re in Spanish speaking regions or English speaking areas, we will always be there to bring more life into your smartphone communications.

LINE official blog

The latest information about the FREE calling & FREE messaging app LINE.