A MASSIVE THANK YOU to all our users! As of today we have reached 100 million* users around the globe!

Each and every one of you have contributed to making LINE what it is today. By giving us your detailed thoughts and feedback, likes and dislikes as well as new ideas, we feel we have worked together with you to reach this impressive result. 


Updated Figures and Received Awards

▼Figures regarding LINE
Registered User Numbers: 100 million worldwide
Used in 231 countries/regions
Ranked No.1 in 41   App Store locations worldwide
Ranking of popular stickers:

▼Awards Received
  • iTunes BEST OF 2012: No.1 in Top Free category (Japan) 
  • iF DESIGN AWARDS 2013: Cross-Media Advertising Award 
  • 2012 Shogakukan Dime Trend Award
  • The 17th AMD Award: Digital Contents of the Year ‘11 
  • Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun: Nikkei Superior Products Service Award 2012 
  • Nikkei MJ Hit Products 2012 
  • Nikkei Trendy: Hit Products of 2012: No.2 out of 30
  • Top Worldwide in Non-Game Apps by Monthly Revenues for iOS/Google Play (November 2012) 
  • elEconomista: Nominated for Best Technology Award 2012 (Spain) 
  • EL PAIS: Nominated for Best Trend of 2012 (Spain) 

100 million users in a year and 7 months – We see this as just the start-point of our LINE app.

Nothing will make us happier than for you, our users, to keep enjoying our app and help us develop it together. 

We hope you keep enjoying your chats with LINE!

Thanks for reading and have fun!

Additional notes regarding this blog entry

*Total download figures are for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry App, Windows Phones and Feature Phones combined.
Source: NHN Japan Corporation