Today the new iPhone version of LINE (3.9.0) was introduced, bringing improved chat, voice call, and basic functionality, as well as a new feature called Snap Movie.

To find out about the other new features introduced, including the video call feature, please see this entry. Although the Snap Movie feature is currently only on iPhone, there are plans to release it on Android in the future.

Snap Movie
Now LINE users can participate in the global trend of sharing their own original video clip and BGM arrangements.

Here are some examples of clips you can make with Snap Movie.

How to Use

1. Tap “Snap Movie” from the “+” button on the chat screen.



2. After the camera starts, tap and hold the record button to start filming.

-Continue to hold the record button while filming. Filming will end once you release your finger.

-Video clips may be anywhere from 4 to 10 seconds long.

-Release your finger from the screen to finish one scene. Tap the screen again to start filming another.



3. After you are done filming, tap “Next” to move to the BGM select screen. There are 9 types of background music to choose from.



4. The clip you’ve created will play automatically. Tap “Send” to post the clip to your chat room.

Snap Movie

After sending the video clips, you can save them to your phone, post them in other chats, or post them to your Home.

Use video clips and music to give your precious memories and exciting moments a unique atmosphere and lasting presence, and share them with your family, friends, and loved ones.